39. Auditor’s remuneration
The Auditor’s fees for carrying out his mandate on the level of the Group headed by Galapagos NV amounted to €80.0 thousand in 2014 (2013: €94.4 thousand). The fees for audit related services executed by the Auditor, in particular other assurance engagements, amounted to €117.3 thousand in 2014 (2013: €20.9 thousand). Fees for persons related to the Auditor for carrying out an auditor’s mandate on the level of the group headed by Galapagos NV amounted to €40.8 thousand in 2014 (2013: €105.7 thousand). The fees paid in 2014 for non-audit services executed in this Group by persons related to the auditor for tax and advisory services amounted to €9.8 thousand (2013: €22.5 thousand). The Audit Committee and the Board of Directors are of the opinion that these non-audit services do not affect the independence of the Auditor in the performance of his audit. The abovementioned additional fees were approved by the Audit Committee.