Take a look at our previous reports:

9. Fair value adjustments, net currency exchange differences and other financial income/expenses

The following table summarizes fair value adjustments and net currency exchange differences, and other financial income and expenses for the years ended 31 December 2022 and 2021.


Year ended 31 December

(thousands of €)



Fair value adjustments and net currency exchange differences:



Net currency exchange gain



Fair value re-measurement of warrants



Fair value loss on financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss



(Fair) value gain on current financial investments



Total fair value adjustments and net currency exchange differences






Other financial income:



Interest income



Discounting effect of non-current R&D incentives receivables



Other finance income



Total other financial income






Other financial expenses:



Interest expenses



Discounting effect of non-current deferred income



Discounting effect of other non-current liabilities



Other finance charges



Total other financial expenses






Total net financial result



During 2022 we changed the presentation of our financial results in our consolidated income statement in order to isolate the net currency exchange differences and fair value re-measurements. We retrospectively adjusted the 2021 comparative figures to reflect this change. In our 2021 consolidated financial statements we reported total currency exchange gains of €60.7 million and total currency exchange losses of €4.2 million for the year ended 31 December 2021 on the "other financial income" and "other financial expenses" line respectively. The (fair) value gains on current financial investments (€6.8 million for the year ended 31 December 2021) were also reported on the line "other financial income" in our 2021 consolidated financial statements.

The net currency exchange gain in 2022 of €44.4 million primarily consisted of an unrealized exchange gain of €41.3 million on cash and cash equivalents and current financial investments at amortized cost held in U.S. dollars, as compared to an unrealized exchange gain in 2021 of €56.6 million on cash and cash equivalents and current financial investments at amortized cost held in U.S. dollars. We have cash, cash equivalents and current financial investments held in U.S. dollars, which could generate foreign currency exchange gain or loss in our financial results in accordance with the fluctuation of the EUR/U.S. dollar exchange rate as our functional currency is EUR.

Fair value re-measurement of warrants refers to the fair value re-measurement of initial warrant B. The fair value of the financial liability related to the initial warrant B of €0.02 million on 31 December 2022 (€0.2 million on 31 December 2021) is presented as part of trade and other liabilities in our consolidated statement of financial position and will be re-measured at each reporting period. We refer to note 2 for more information.

For the year ended 31 December 2021, fair value loss on financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss consisted of negative effects from the fair value re-measurement of financial assets classified as equity investments which qualify for level 1 fair value measurement based upon the closing price of such securities at each reporting date, and of an impairment loss on a participation in a non-listed company. This resulted in a net book value of zero of the financial assets held at fair value through profit or loss on 31 December 2021. The fair value gain on the current financial investments in 2022 and 2021 reflected the positive exchange differences booked on the money market funds, compensated by the interest on the treasury bills which have not yet expired and the effect of the re-measurement at fair value of our money market funds on 31 December 2022 and on 31 December 2021. These re-measurement losses were mainly the result of the negative returns on the EUR denominated money market funds.

Interest income was related to interests on term deposits, notice accounts and current financial investments. Net interest income increased due to increasing interest rates.

Interest expenses were related to interests on term deposits, treasury bills that came to maturity and on leases of buildings and cars. Other financial expense for 2022 also included €7.7 million of costs (€9.3 million for the year ended 31 December 2021) linked to the accounting under IFRS 15 for a financing component embedded in the upfront consideration received from Gilead in connection with the revised agreement for filgotinib. They also comprise the discounting effect of other non-current liabilities as deferred consideration and milestones payables related to the acquisition of subsidiaries.

Formerly known as GLPG0634, commercial name is Jyseleca®. Small molecule preferential JAK1 inhibitor, approved in RA and UC in Europe and Japan. Phase 4 studies are ongoing in both RA and UC
Major achievement in a project or program; in our alliances, this is usually associated with a payment